Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Family Photos

A bit ago I got a wonderful, wonderful gift from my little brother Chris. I learned that the phrase "the best things come in small packages" is so true. I wasn't sure at what the small brown box contained but I was excited that it came from Chris and his lovely wife.

Imagine my surprise when I saw there were DVDs in the box! 12 of them - all titled "Family Photos". I ran into the office and stuck the first DVD into the DVD player and waited for the show...

and waited..... and waited..... Dang - an error message. "Disk is corrupt and unreadable"

So I tried another disk, same message. That happened 12 times. I was soooo sad.

Eventually - I tried Nicole's old laptop, it worked, thankfully.

I have looked at them and laughed, smiled hard and with awe. The wonderful assortment of shots. Pictures of my mom when she was little, the 3 of us kids from many stages of growing up. I can't wait to share them with T & N!!

Thank you Chris - It is truly a wonderful gift!!!

Mom - as a young, beautiful bride - 1956

Paul - age 3 or 4?

Chris - age 7 months

Me! age 3


Mom & Dad - in 1973 & 2006